Using Snakemake on Esrum#

This page describes how to best use Snakemake on the Esrum cluster. As this includes a number of suggested settings (described below), a basic profile file is provided below to automatically set these.

Snakemake can either be run directly, where all rules (i.e. tasks) are run on the same system as Snakemake itself, or Snakemake can be configured to use Slurm to run the individual rules, allowing these to be run on any compute node on Esrum. The choice between the two options boils down to the following considerations:

  • If the steps in your Snakemake pipeline are very short, then you should run your pipeline in a regular sbatch script, via srun, or in an interactive session. This is because Slurm adds some overhead to jobs, which for very short rules may result in a significant increase in the total runtime.

  • If your steps run for a longer time or take up significant amount of resources, then you should enable Slurm support when running your pipeline. This ensures that you only reserve resources for your rules while they are running and enables you to run more rules simultaneously than can fit on one compute node.

  • If any of your rules make use of GPUs, then you must enable Slurm support when running Snakemake. This ensures that GPUs are only reserved while they are actively being used, which we require since GPUs are a very limited resource on Esrum. See below for how to reserve GPUs for your rules.

For most bioinformatics pipelines, the most efficient choice is to run Snakemake with Slurm support enabled.

Running Snakemake with Slurm support#

To run Snakemake with Slurm support enabled, simply pass the options --slurm and --jobs N, where the N is the maximum number of jobs you want to queue simultaneously. For example,

$ module load snakemake/7.30.1
$ snakemake --slurm --jobs 32

This command will run your pipeline via Slurm and queue at most 32 jobs at once. Note that we do not need to specify the maximum number of CPUs (via --cores), since Slurm will take care that (see below).

Note also that you must run Snakemake on the head node when using the --slurm option. This is required for Snakemake to be able to interact with Slurm. Furthermore, you should be running it a tmux or screen session to ensure that Snakemake keeps running after you log out. See the Persistent sessions with tmux page for more information.


Some older tutorials may suggest setting Slurm options via the --cluster option. However, with modern versions of Snakemake it is sufficient to add --slurm when running Snakemake and that is the method we recommend using.

Requesting CPUs#

Snakemake will automatically request a number of CPUs corresponding to the number of threads used by a rule:

rule my_rule:
    input: ...
    output: ...
    threads: 8

Snakemake will in other words reserve 8 CPUs for the above rule when submitting it through Slurm.

Requesting memory#

Snakemake will by default estimate the amount of memory needed for a rule based on the size of the input data (max(2*input.size_mb, 1000)), which translates to two times the size of the input but no less than 1000 MB.

This is, however, frequently less than the Slurm default of ~16 GB per CPU reserved, and we therefore recommend overriding this default using the --default-resources option:

$ snakemake --default-resources mem_mb_per_cpu=15948

This corresponds to the behavior of sbatch and srun.

Should a job require more memory than the default ~16 GB per CPU, then you can request additional memory using the resources section of your rule:

rule my_rule:
    input: ...
    output: ...
        mem_mb: 64 * 1024

The mem_mb specifies a total amount of memory to reserve in MB and the above example therefore requests 64 GB for this specific rule.

Using the GPU / high-memory nodes#

Running a job on the GPU / high-memory nodes is accomplished by specifying that you want to use the gpuqueue by adding slurm_partition="gpuqueue" to the resources section of your rule. Once you have done so, you can reserve GPUs using the slurm_extra resource:

rule gpu_example:
    input: "my_input.dat"
    output: "my_output.dat"
    shell: "my-command {input} > {output}"
        # Run this rule on the GPU queue
        # Reserve 1 GPU for this job

If you need memory rather than GPUs, then omit the slurm_extra resource and instead specify the amount of RAM needed in MB, using the mem_mb resource as described above:

rule high_mem_example:
    input: "my_input.dat"
    output: "my_output.dat"
    shell: "my-command {input} > {output}"
        # Run this rule on the GPU queue
        # Reserve 3 TB of memory (specified in MB)
        mem_mb=3 * 1024 * 1024,


Do not reserve GPUs if you do not need to use them; we only have a few GPUs, so we will terminate jobs found to be unnecessarily reserving GPU resources.

Using environment modules#

Snakemake can automatically load environment required by a rule. This requires either that the --use-envmodules option is specified on the command-line or that use-envmodules is set to true in your profile (see below). When that is done, Snakemake will automatically load the environment modules listed in the envmodules section of a rule:

rule my_rule:
    input: "my_input.bam"
    output: "my_output.stats.txt"
    shell: "samtools stats {input} > {output}"


Remember to specify version numbers for the module you are using; this helps ensures that your analyses are reproducible and that they won't suddenly break when new versions of modules are added.

Snakemake profile#

The recommended profile is also available at /projects/cbmr_shared/apps/config/snakemake/latest. This is a symlink pointing to the latest version of the profile

# Maximum number of jobs to queue at once
jobs: 32
# Use slurm for queuing jobs
slurm: true

# (Optional) Enable the use of environmental modules
use-envmodules: true
# Wait up to 60 seconds for the network file system
latency-wait: 60
# Re-run incomplete jobs
rerun-incomplete: True

# Standard slurm resources; these match the `sbatch` defaults:
  # Use standard queue by default (silences warning)
  - "slurm_partition=standardqueue"
  # Same mem-per-CPU as Slurm defaults
  - "mem_mb_per_cpu=15948"
  # (Optional) Runtime limit in minutes to catch jobs that hang
  #- "runtime=720"

This profile is also available at /projects/cbmr_shared/apps/config/snakemake/.

To make use of the profile, run Snakemake with the --profile argument and the location of the folder containing your profile:

$ snakemake --profile /projects/cbmr_shared/apps/config/snakemake/latest

Options specified in this profile can be overridden on the command-line simply by specifying the option again:

$ snakemake --profile /projects/cbmr_shared/apps/config/snakemake/latest --jobs 16


sacct: error: Problem talking to the database: Connection refused#

If you are running Snakemake with the --slurm option on a compute node, i.e. not the head node, then you will receive errors such as the following:

Job 0 has been submitted with SLURM jobid 512921 (log: .snakemake/slurm_logs/rule_foo/512921.log).
The job status query failed with command: sacct -X --parsable2 --noheader --format=JobIdRaw,State --name 2d898259-73e4-435d-aa77-44dc44d84c1b
Error message: sacct: error: slurm_persist_conn_open_without_init: failed to open persistent connection to host:localhost:6819: Connection refused
sacct: error: Sending PersistInit msg: Connection refused
sacct: error: Problem talking to the database: Connection refused

To solve this, simply start your Snakemake pipeline on the head node when using the --slurm option.