Applying for access#

Access to the Esrum HPC cluster and a number of related services, projects, and datasets are managed by the Data Analytics Platform. Access to the cluster and non-protected (non-GDPR) data can be obtained simply by contacting us and asking for access. If you are an external researcher, student, guest, and otherwise collaborating with researchers at CBMR, then you should ask for one of your collaborators at CBMR to contact us and request for access.

Please note that access to (GDPR) protected data managed by DAP requires additional approval from the data owners. For more information, please see the Human cohorts for an overview of available datasets and for instructions on how to apply for access.

Once you have been granted access to Esrum or a related resource you will receive an automated email that Changes to your Identity were processed. Please refer to the Connecting to the cluster page for further instructions on how to connect to the cluster.


Note that your account may not be ready by the time you receive the email described above. In that case, logging in will result in a warning that your home folder does not exist. If so, then simply wait a few hours before trying again. This process may take up to a day.

Using the identity management system#

Should you need to apply for access to projects or datasets that are not managed by the Data Analytics Platform, then this may require using the Identity Management System (IDM). If possible, we recommend simply asking the project/dataset owner to add you to the project or dataset in question, but the following provides a brief summary of how to apply through the IDM:

  1. Log in at

  2. Click on the Manage My Access button. See below if you instead have a Manage User Access button.

  3. Search for and locate the group corresponding to the resource you wish to access. Depending on the kind of resource you wish to apply for access to, the names will differ somewhat:

    1. A server group will typically start with the prefix SRV- and end with -users, for example SRV-esrumhead-users for the Esrum head node.

    2. A project group will typically start with COMP-PRJ-, for example COMP-PRJ-cbmr_shared for the /projects/cbmr_shared project.

    3. A dataset group will typically start with COMP-DATASET- and end with -ro, for example COMP-DATASET-cbmr_shared-ro for the /datasets/cbmr_shared dataset containing shared resources.


    In general, you should not be applying for access to projects with suffixes like -Owners, -admin, or -rw unless explicitly told to do so by the owner(s) of those resources. These suffixes indicate administrative groups and your requests will therefore be denied if you apply without reason.

  4. Click once on the check-mark to the left of the name of the group in the resulting list. Wait for the check mark to turn green and then click the Next button. If you get a yellow popup with the message Cannot Add Access Item. The item you are trying to select is already assigned, then you have already been granted access to this resource.

  5. Finally, click the Submit button to submit your request.

  6. Wait for your request to be processed.


Users with project/group ownership will see a Manage User Access button instead of the Manage User Access mentioned above.

In that case, start by searching for your own UCPH username (e.g. abc123) and then click on the check mark to the left your name once. Wait for the check mark to turn green, click the Next button, and then proceed with the steps described above.

An official guide to the identity system used is available here.